Monday, September 3, 2012

Loving Life Today!

I love my life!
And it just keeps getting better and better. 
Even hobbling around on crutches, my life is awesome!!! Wanna know why? Here is the short version.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am so grateful for his atoning sacrifice, his example, and his amazing love and grace! My good husband, My most amazing , terrific, spectacular children, My Siblings, so kind and supportive, My great parents and even my cousins, aunts and uncles have blessed me immensely, The totally beautiful world in which I am blessed to live at a time and in a place where I enjoy comfort, education, technology, and abundance,.............

And The amazing new life I have found getting healthy and helping others get healthy. 

I have always been passionate about helping others and finally as I am helping myself I am finding a vehicle to help others in a way that truly makes a difference in their lives!

This list is extremely brief . I could go much longer, but let me tell you, as I feel better, I want to shout it from the roof tops! " This body we have is amazing! Take care of it!" For sure this has been one of the best parts of going through this broken leg thing. As I heal and feel better and better, I am reminded of the way I felt when I first started losing weight! Have you ever not known you were feeling bad until you really started to feel better? That is what I am doing again right now, just as I did last year!

As for my goal to lose 20 lbs while off my feet, I finally balanced on the scale and yes I am losing! Not as rapid as I had hoped but I have lost 6 lbs so far. I continue to get more and more active, and out and about, I am sure that will increase. So five more weeks on crutches I am going to push hard! Hope you are all using your goals to move forward as well.

Oh...And one last thought....Did I mention I really love my life? 

 I am so very blessed and I am so very grateful for all that I have, including my health and the fact that I can say”including my health!!!”